Nov, 2021
20km de Genève by Genève Aéroport
04 - 10km Duo
à (99)

Recherche avancée

De 0 à 40
 Pl.Tps. Nom Sexe Cat. Equipe  
100:32:10 L'Alliance de Saint-Seuil F F 30- L'Alliance de Saint-Seuil
200:39:19 SUB40 M M 17- SUB40
300:40:28 Les Princesses M M 17- Les Princesses
400:41:58 Louise Michel M M 40- Louise Michel
500:45:04 yaca M M 50- yaca
600:45:11 cancelsig F F 17- cancelsig
700:45:58 Fastand M M 40- Fastand
800:46:56 Les Loulouz' M M 30- Les Loulouz'
900:47:04 LES K F M 40- LES K
1000:47:32 Fri-LPS F F 17- Fri-LPS
1100:48:26 CADANCE man ! M M 17- CADANCE man !
1200:52:02 Challenge accepted F F 30- Challenge accepted
1300:53:36 Ya Meng M M 40- Ya Meng
1400:54:18 GG2 F F 17- GG2
1600:54:31 Been there, run that F F 17- Been there, run that
1700:55:13 Les grenouilles sans la princesse F F 30- Les grenouilles sans la princesse
1800:55:15 Les Cat’s F F 17- Les Cat’s
1900:55:59 Cochonnets M M 40- Cochonnets
2000:56:05 Pitchoune F F 17- Pitchoune
2100:56:18 GG1 M M 30- GG1
2200:56:19 10rFi M M 50- 10rFi
2300:56:21 Aiglon Rockets M M 60+ Aiglon Rockets
2400:56:48 Fagali - Cernuchi F F 40- Fagali - Cernuchi
2500:56:56 Team dousta F F 30- Team dousta
2600:57:19 Rudy M M 50- Rudy
2700:57:40 StephNath F F 40- StephNath
2800:59:00 Les Coccinelles en action F F 40- Les Coccinelles en action
2900:59:26 Les Sonchaux F F 17- Les Sonchaux
3000:59:28 No pain no gain F F 17- No pain no gain
3100:59:30 Girl Power F F 30- Girl Power
3200:59:31 Caroline & Irina F F 40- Caroline & Irina
3300:59:32 NP Run M M 50- NP Run
3400:59:34 Nancy & Mel F F 30- Nancy & Mel
3500:59:37 Tic&Tac Cas Soc' F F 30- Tic&Tac Cas Soc'
3601:00:24 carillat F F 50- carillat
3701:00:27 La team sh@pe F F 30- La team sh@pe
3801:00:29 XIANG WANG F F 30- XIANG WANG
3901:01:01 The Tomato Chilli Jam Crew F F 50- The Tomato Chilli Jam Crew
4001:01:09 Marketing F F 17- Marketing
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